Online CPT Therapy In Texas

for trauma, depression, and anxiety

The horror ride in your brain.  

Feeling weighed down and consumed by thoughts has been exhausting.

It feels like you can’t get out of your brain as it cycles through all the painful things you’ve been through and are panicking about.

You feel like something’s wrong with you, that you can’t stop thinking about it all and that you should just “snap out of it.” (Cue the shame and self-esteem spiraling).

But you can’t.

It feels like someone else is in the drivers seat in your brain, and you’re just buckled in for this horror ride. Not. Fun.

Feeling at peace.

All it takes to get out of the passenger seat with your thoughts…is 12 sessions of CPT therapy and 1 self deprecating therapist (me!).

It’s going to end up being easier than you think, and the proof is in the pudding!

Imagine finally feeling like you can think about things that make you happy.

Imagine not getting sucked into the quick sand of doom-thoughts, and actually feeling safe and at peace in life - and in your mind.

And the best part, imagine this all happening way quicker than you thought.

The results of CPT therapy.

The strategies behind CPT therapy are transformational.

Like finally don’t mind spending time by yourself, transformational.

Like rolling the car window down and scream-singing to your fellow neighbor drivers transformational.

You get to invest in a strategic process that will uncover what is actually holding you back, guide you with specific homework and strategies between sessions, and will help your mind finally get a 360 degree makeover.

And this is all literally a 15 minute consult and 12 sessions away.

CPT In A Nutshell


We start with a specific and thorough intake of your history where we uncover the root of your struggles and pain.


12 - 53 minute online therapy sessions with me! (Don’t worry, I make this process as painless as possible…and sprinkle in some humor!)


Practice strategies, skills, and complete homework between sessions.

AKA relief, finally.

Yes! I want to see if CPT can be a great fit for me!