Hi! I’m Julia.

  • I have an emotional support water bottle.

  • Dedicated candle collector.

  • The only plants I can keep alive are succulents.

  • True crime podcast obsessed.

  • I don’t math.

  • LGBTQ+ Ally / She, her, hers.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from George Fox University and a Master of Arts in Counseling from Houston Christian University, Licensed professional counselor, EMDR therapist in training, Cognitive Processing Therapy provider, Trained in EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback).

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from George Fox University and a Master of Arts in Counseling from Houston Christian University, Licensed professional counselor, EMDR therapist in training, Cognitive Processing Therapy provider, Trained in EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback).

The queso to your chips.

It feels daunting to find a “good fit” for a therapist…more daunting than cleaning out the basement.

All you wanted was to find a therapist that just gets you. That you feel 100% comfortable with, not judged by, and like you can just lay it all out there.

So you’re here…reading through this page and seeing if I can be the socks to your sandals and the queso to your chips.

And one of the most important factors in healing through counseling and therapy…

…is the connection you are going to have with your therapist.

Expert healing and relax with relief.

Imagine finally finding a therapist that makes everything feel like it’s going to be ok. Like they just get you and are 100% on your team.

When we work together, you can expect to have some belly laughs, find that I’m the just the right amount of self deprecating

and have a knack for helping you shift old thought patterns and beliefs so your body completely melts and relaxes with relief.

You can also expect some expert healing related to your trauma, anxiety, relationships, and to feel completely comfortable sharing your story.

Not your ordinary talk therapy.

Imagine feeling that what you’re experiencing and feeling is actually completely normal.

Imagine feeling like I am right there with you, that I’m in it with you, and 100% dedicated to your healing.

Imagine finally feeling like you are in good hands with specialty options to heal with CPT, Neurofeedback, and EMDR therapy.

Not just talk therapy.

“I named the practice Magnolia Wood because this is the street my grandparents lived on. I remember playing in the back yard and this huge tree that I pretended was a house. This place was a huge source of comfort and joy for me…and had sense of magic to it. “

— Julia Ortiz

Work with Julia.

Your healing is absolutely possible.

It just is.

Ready to finally connect, heal, and fully release what’s holding you down?